23 02, 2015

The Market Review

By |2023-08-02T19:27:49+00:00February 23rd, 2015|Categories: Weekly Market Review|Tags: , , , |

The Australian stock market started last week in positive territory, after a strong performance from the banking sector. However, Australian stocks ended Tuesday's session lower after the release of discouraging earnings data. The upside drive returned mid-week on hopes that the European Central bank would introduce a new stimulus package for Greece. Another round of [...]

2 02, 2015

Does this Rally point the way for the rest of 2015?

By |2023-08-02T19:27:49+00:00February 2nd, 2015|Categories: share trading|Tags: , , , , |

After an indifferent 2014 and a slow start to 2015, the market is currently experiencing one of its strongest breakouts since July 2013.  Is the rally which started about mid-January set to continue in the short term, and the question we are all asking is:  what can we expect from the Australian share market for [...]

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