VectorVest’s Model Portfolios are racing along! The portfolios have been specifically designed to find the best stocks with strong liquidity, moving up in value. All the portfolios apply prudent risk money management rules. Penny stocks are not permitted in any of the portfolios. We combine many years of trading experience and analysis to give our subscribers portfolios they can evaluate, track, back test and modify further for their exact needs! Each Model Portfolio shows our subscribers exactly what is being held in every portfolio, every day. Listed below are some of our key portfolios: The Safe and Sure Portfolio: • The Safe and Sure Portfolio is made up of high dividend paying stocks that are fully franked! Less than 16 trades a year.
ETFs Portfolio • Don’t like to make many trades? How about 5 trades made ever since 2013? The ETFs portfolio has made no trades this year and is up over 11% year to date for 2019!
10 Stock Model Portfolio • The 10 Stock Model Portfolio lost no money during the GFC, has held steady since 2008 and is just about to hit new highs! This portfolio has averaged less than 1 trade a month since 2007. This portfolio is up over 10% this year so far!
SMSF Balanced Portfolio • This portfolio was constructed back in 2012 and has not had its settings changed since. The consistent performance speaks for itself! Just over 8 trades a year on average! This portfolio is up over 15% this year so far!
The Growth Portfolio • The Growth Portfolio does what it does best…keeps growing… what a track record! Just over 12 trades a year on average! This portfolio is up over 25% this year so far…truly amazing growth! Want to know more? Take out a trial with VectorVest to get access to all the model portfolios. Check out all the trade histories and analyse what is currently being held in these portfolios. Set alerts so that you too can take advantage of VectorVest’s years of data analysis and proven track record.
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